The Sacred Connection
With the energy of one year ending and another beginning, I taught my yoga class the other day on this idea or process on how welcoming or inviting in something new, is also an ending of something else. There is a sacred connection in the process of letting go and of welcoming in something new.
One of the most difficult aspects of grief is that it can feel like an invisible weight you carry around. No one sees the immense pain you are in. Grief can feel very isolating and I feel this is partly why. A month or two after a devastating loss, we may “look” fine but on the inside we are unmoored.
Find An Antidote
Once we step into the present moment with awareness and a compassionate heart, and genuinely meet ourselves, this is where the transformation lies. We begin to see that what is coming up is information. Our thoughts and emotions are not us. But all of it will continue to present itself to you until you have fully listened and received its lessons.