Take Your Time
If you are moving through grief, I invite you to let go of the timeline. Release the need to be better for your friends and family and bring your attention back to your heart, your center.

Take Time to Honor
Take time to honor and be present with the life you are living and the life living through you.

The Storms: Our Greatest Teacher
The greatest and most challenging yoga happens off the mat. The storms of this life are our greatest teachers, if we are willing to confront them with awareness and compassion.

All Roads Lead to Home
Yoga is the journey to the self, of the self, by the self. Yoga leads us to the depths of who we are with greater awareness. And there is no one way to get there.

A Practice to Connect with our true Self
A practice to connect with our True Self, that part of us that is unchanging. Our emotions, thoughts, and moods move through us like the weather and can we create space to be here with it al while not attaching to it. Join me for a short meditation practice where we will connect with our True Self and create space within the mind and body.

Shar(e)On Lightly: The Meaning
My vision is to create a safe space, a program or course, to help support those moving through grief using the tools of yoga, breathwork, meditation, and nervous system regulation. I believe that when we can share our story, our deepest wounds, and when we feel truly seen and heard, THAT is when healing and integration can begin to take place. From there, we can move through the world a little bit lighter.

Breathe Into the Anxiety
Take a moment to breathe. Our breath can bring us back to the present and when experiencing anxiety, grounding our energy, creating space with the breath in the mind and body, can help us move towards calm.

Find Balance
We come to see that just like when you are standing in a tree pose, life is always in motion - your ankle and leg muscles are always slightly moving to keep you in balance. Life will always continue. Even when it may seem that nothing new is emerging, it is still moving forward. It is moving towards balance.

Take a moment to reflect
As we move from winter into spring, take a moment to reflect on where you have been, so you can fully move forward into the next season of your life.

Find An Antidote
Once we step into the present moment with awareness and a compassionate heart, and genuinely meet ourselves, this is where the transformation lies. We begin to see that what is coming up is information. Our thoughts and emotions are not us. But all of it will continue to present itself to you until you have fully listened and received its lessons.

Sthira & Sukha
Sthira and sukha in yoga is what I like to refer to as the “sweetness” and the “steadiness”.