Take a moment to reflect

The way each of us finds our way to yoga is unique. For me it was an injury. I got planter fasciitis after walking the width of England (a story for another day). Back then, I would push myself, thinking “I am fine”. Until I literally couldn’t walk. I had to wear a boot for almost a month and the only form of movement I could do was yoga. 

Little did I know the journey I was about to embark on. This wasn’t a journey where I was constantly changing the scenery of my external world, but rather a journey inward. Yoga gifted me the space to deepen my relationship with myself. It was the first time I began to feel and know the divine within. 

For the last nine years, my yoga mat has been a constant, a sacred place that I can return to again and again. Every time is a new experience and each time I am cultivating a deeper awareness of my mind, my body and my soul. I feel yoga is one of the few forms of movement that allows you to self-reflect while also becoming more self-aware. The beautiful thing about yoga is that it ripples beyond the mat, you begin to bring more self-awareness and self-reflection to your daily life.

The fourth Niyama of Pantnjali’s Yoga Sutras is Svadhyaya. It is translated as “self-study”. When we become more self-aware on our mat, we can begin to notice how we show up in life, whether through reflection later on or in the present moment. And this is why we call it a yoga PRACTICE. It is a practice to return to over and over - cultivating deeper awareness and relationship to ourselves. Just like with the important people in your life, you wouldn’t see them just once and expect to have an awareness of who they are. You must spend quality time with them. Lovingly listen and be present. Yoga is the same way. 

We must reflect on our journey to know how we want to move forward - our past holds the lessons and those turn into gentle reminders as we continue on our path. As we approach Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere and come out of the darkness of winter, I invite you to a short reflection practice. You are welcome to roll out your mat, find a quiet and comfortable seat, make some tea, and maybe turn on some soothing music. Find your journal, so you can write what comes up for you.

  • Is there anything that you are ready to let go of or that you have been giving your energy to that no longer serves you? What do you want to let go of, so you can create space for what feels more aligned right now and for the future?

  • Take a moment to notice the ways in which you were supported this winter - the little synchronicities that gave you light along the darkness.

Yoga is the journey to YOU. Taking the time to reflect and know yourself - who you are, who you have been, and are becoming - is a beautiful and sacred act. I hope you take some time this week to reflect on how far you have come, because you, my friend, are a marvel of this world. 

I send you love and light.

As always, Shar(e)on Lightly


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