Find Balance
We come to see that just like when you are standing in a tree pose, life is always in motion - your ankle and leg muscles are always slightly moving to keep you in balance. Life will always continue. Even when it may seem that nothing new is emerging, it is still moving forward. It is moving towards balance.
Take a moment to reflect
As we move from winter into spring, take a moment to reflect on where you have been, so you can fully move forward into the next season of your life.
Find An Antidote
Once we step into the present moment with awareness and a compassionate heart, and genuinely meet ourselves, this is where the transformation lies. We begin to see that what is coming up is information. Our thoughts and emotions are not us. But all of it will continue to present itself to you until you have fully listened and received its lessons.
Sthira & Sukha
Sthira and sukha in yoga is what I like to refer to as the “sweetness” and the “steadiness”.