The Healing Journey
I used to think that when I asked for healing from my emotional pain, that I was going to “achieve” that by fixing myself and everything that was ultimately wrong with me.

Finding Peace: A Journey Through Grief
This past year has been one of the most difficult for me since my mom passed away almost a decade ago. It wasn’t that I lost someone to death but I lost someone through choosing to speak up about what I desired. Our desires did not match. And in that, the pain of rejection and choosing an ending was much harder than I imagined.

One of the most difficult aspects of grief is that it can feel like an invisible weight you carry around. No one sees the immense pain you are in. Grief can feel very isolating and I feel this is partly why. A month or two after a devastating loss, we may “look” fine but on the inside we are unmoored.

Shar(e)On Lightly: The Meaning
My vision is to create a safe space, a program or course, to help support those moving through grief using the tools of yoga, breathwork, meditation, and nervous system regulation. I believe that when we can share our story, our deepest wounds, and when we feel truly seen and heard, THAT is when healing and integration can begin to take place. From there, we can move through the world a little bit lighter.

Find An Antidote
Once we step into the present moment with awareness and a compassionate heart, and genuinely meet ourselves, this is where the transformation lies. We begin to see that what is coming up is information. Our thoughts and emotions are not us. But all of it will continue to present itself to you until you have fully listened and received its lessons.